Complete Care Program – Renewal


This program is meant to guide you in providing the best care possible for your tortoise and avoid chronic illnesses (therefore avoiding vet bills and unnecessary stress) especially for novice or first time owners.  Preventative care is the best medicine!  We will help you provide the right care from the start, avoid mistakes, and avoid the stress of navigating inconsistent recommendations all keepers hear when first starting out. We will make the program very simple, and even accept children to participate.  When you are successful in your tortoise keeping and see a thriving pet, keeping the pet is much more rewarding and enjoyable.  So this will also help keep tortoises from being rehomed.  We hope we can be of help for both you and your pet! Please email for additional questions!

SKU: CompleteCareYR2+ Category:


The Complete Care Program costs only $100 yearly from year 2 onward ($150 will be refunded after the solarmeter and temperature gun are returned).  This sign up is ONLY for returning participants in the Complete Care Program.  If you are not a returning participant, please see either the Complete Care Program- New sign up or the Experienced Care Program – Basic Plus.

The program includes (photos are representative of items received but may vary): 

  • UVB light testing (shipping a Solar Meter 6.5 [on loan] provided)
  • Heat testing (shipping an infrared temperature gun [on loan] provided)
  • Heath Tracking (Account to record your tortoise’s profile, status, and weights. Data will be shared to Big and Small Tortoise Rescue and Sanctuary database to aide in benchmarking.  Benchmarking compares your tortoise to all other users to see how your tortoise’s health compares.)
  • Ongoing 1:1 discussions for advice (i.e. address concerns, suggest enclosure or diet changes, etc), data analysis (i.e. compare your tortoises weights to bell curve of other tortoises in program), advice for when to contact a vet, etc.)

Year 1:

  • Month 1: Solar meter and temperature test
  • Month 2: Follow-up virtual meeting to discuss results from solar meter/temperature test and overall care
  • Month 3-12: Ongoing availability for concerns (messages, emails, or virtual meetings as needed)


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