Meet Our Sanctuary Tortoises

Our redfoot group! Left to right – Olive, Littlefoot, Ducky, Annie, Jake, Tammy.
We will have to take an updated photo this summer with the new addition, Doozie!
Our group of Russians! From left to right –
Tilly, Camper, Shelby, Mrs. T, and Speedy (our big girl!)
Our leopard group! Above, Squirt. Below, Seabee and Popeye. New additions include Silas!
Dozer our Sulcata, which began my interest in starting a rescue.
Mack, our little Greek! This guy is tiny but super-active!
Bronte, our only Elngated Tortoise! This species is really growing to be a favorite.
Sherlock, our homes hingeback. He has given us valuable experience with a unique species!